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A disaster can strike at any time - sometimes without warning. It is important for every Suffolk County resident, especially citizens with disabilities and other special needs to plan ahead for an emergency situation and know what to do in the event of an emergency.

This portion of the Suffolk County Emergency Management Web site offers resources and information specifically tailored for people with disabilities/special needs and their families to help prepare for emergencies, protect themselves and be survivors.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can plan for today!

Get Informed:

Know about the specific hazards that threaten your community (hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, etc.), learn about community disaster plans and community warning systems and find out more about special assistance programs.

Create an Emergency Kit:

Your emergency kit should have supplies specific to your special needs. A complete list of suggested items can be found in the links below.

* Create an Emergency Kit

Other Helpful Tips:
  • Wear medical alert tags/bracelets to help identify your disability/special need.
  • Practice how to quickly explain your condition and your adaptive equipment to someone who is helping you.
  • Wheelchair users need to have more than one exit from their residence that is wheelchair accessible. Practice how to escape from your home.
  • Know the size and weight of your wheelchair, in addition to whether or not it is collapsible, in case it has to be transported.
  • If you are dependent on dialysis or other life sustaining treatment or equipment, know the locations and availability of more than one facility in your area.

Preparing Makes Sense for People with Disabilities and Other Access and Functional Needs

Preparedness Checklist

Considerations for People with Disabilities/Special Needs:
  • Contact your physician to discuss emergency planning and your needs for skilled medical care.
  • If you use an electric wheelchair or scooter, have a manual wheelchair as a back-up.
  • Label medical equipment, assistive devices and any other necessary equipment and attach laminated instructions for equipment use. Also include your identification information.
  • Store back-up equipment (mobility, medical, etc.) at an alternate location (friend's, family member's, neighbor's or caregiver's home, school or workplace).
  • If you have visual/sensory disabilities, plan for someone to convey essential emergency information to you if you are unable to use the television or radio.
  • If you use a personal care attendant from a home healthcare agency, check to see if the agency has special provisions for emergencies (i.e. providing services at another location should an evacuation be ordered).
  • If you live in an apartment, ask the management to identify and mark accessible exits and access to all areas designated for emergency shelter or safe rooms.
  • Have a cell phone with an extra battery.
  • Learn about devices and other technology available to assist you in receiving emergency instructions and warnings from local officials: Click here to sign up to receive Emergency Notifications from the Suffolk County Suffolk Alert Emergency Notification system.
  • Consider getting a medical alert system that will allow you to call for help if you are immobilized in an emergency.
For further information:

Visit the individuals access functional needs webpage


This Registry gathers information from Suffolk County’s Vulnerable Population for use during emergencies, evacuations and sheltering operations.
The Suffolk County Emergency Preparedness Registry is designed to provide:

  •   Valuable lifesaving information to Emergency Responders during their response to a registered address
  •   Identification of specific needs of residents requiring assistance during evacuations. 
  •   Prioritize resources required to accommodate individuals during or after emergency operations. 

Click here to learn more:

Written instructions regarding care and medication
  • list of all medications and their dosages
  • list of all doctors
  • list of the styles and serial numbers of medical devices you use
Important documents - in a waterproof container or watertight re-sealable plastic bag
  • extra copies of medical insurance documents and Medicare/Medicaid cards
  • other insurance records (home, car, etc.)
  • medical records including prescription information
  • bank account numbers
  • Social Security card, etc.
People with mobility disabilities should consider including the following in their emergency kit:
  • Pair of heavy gloves to use while wheeling or making your way over glass and debris
  • Extra battery for your motorized wheelchair or scooter
  • Jumper cables or specific recharging device to be connected to an automobile's cigarette lighter
  • Patch kit or can of seal-in-air product to repair flat tires
  • Spare cane or walker
  • Food, medicine, favorite toy, and other care items for your service animal
  • Plastic bags, disposable gloves and other items for the animal's care
  • Whistle
People with sensory disabilities should consider including the following in their emergency kit:
  • Pad of paper with pens or pencils for writing notes
  • Extra batteries for tape recorders, portable TTYs, etc.
  • Extra pair of eye glasses
  • Extra pair of dark glasses, if medically required
  • Extra set of hearing-aid batteries
  • Folding mobility cane
  • Food, medicine and favorite toy for your service animal
  • Plastic bags, disposable gloves and other items for the animal's care
People with developmental or cognitive disabilities should consider including the following in their emergency kit:
  • Alternate power source or spare batteries for communication device
  • Paper and writing materials
Medication Requirements:

One of the most critical preparation steps you can take is ensuring you have enough of your required prescription medications available should the aftermath of a disaster prevent you from getting a refill. It is recommended that you have a minimum two-week supply of all your prescription medications. Be sure your extra supply is kept current and has not expired. It is also recommended that you keep a list of all your prescription medications, dosages and any other special instructions with your emergency medication supply.

Disaster Readiness Tips for People with Disabilites:

Disaster Readiness Tips for People with Disabilities from the American Red Cross.

It's ability, not disability, that counts

Additional Hurricane Planning and Preparation Information
Additional Hurricane Preparedness Resources

Office of Emergency Management


The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) coordinates the county's response to natural or man made disasters. OEM personnel are rsponsible for the operations of the county's Emergency Operation Center (EOC) and work with local, state, and federal officials in shelter management, planning, resource management, and radiological response coordination.

Contact Information

Rudolph A. Sunderman


Joseph Trzepizur


102 East Ave.

Yaphank NY 11980